

今天是吴韦恩先生为爱城笔友会提供的第二场义务文学创作讲座,在此,我代表笔友会对韦恩以及赞助他得以成行的出版社Guernica Editions表示最真挚的感谢!同时感谢为这两次活动提供场所和设备的埃德蒙顿市图书馆以及爱城笔友会的基金赞助单位Action for Healthy Communities!感谢笔友会理事Roxanne Reimer女士全程的策划、联络、筹备、主持和后续报道!

爱城笔友会自十五年前成立以来,一直崇尚并践行以文会友、以友辅仁, 弘扬中国优秀传统文化、并积极融入加拿大多元文化建设。今天“以爱的名义写作”文学讲座,将笔友会的文学创作探索提升到了一个新的高度,它搭建了华文与华裔文学交流和学习的平台,促进了双方的融合。

在我二十年的移民生活中,正如其他许多移民一样,经历了从身份焦虑等精神困惑,到力图超越对立的东西方视角 ,从人类的普遍性经验出发进行更具有普世性的哲学思考。




Good afternoon, everyone! 

Today is Mr. Wayne Ng’s second free of charge literary lecture for the Edmonton Chinese Writing Club. On behalf of the club, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to Wayne and the publisher Guernica Editions that sponsored him to make this happen! Thanks to the Edmonton Public Library for providing the venue and equipment for both events! Thanks to the Action for Healthy Communities Society of Edmonton, the sponsor of ECWC! Thanks to Ms. Roxanne Reimer, a board director, for the planning, liaison, preparation, hosting and follow-up report throughout the process!

Since its establishment 15 years ago, the Edmonton Chinese Writing Club has been advocating and practicing the belief that the superior man on grounds of culture meets with his friends, and by their friendship helps his virtue. Moreover, it not only promotes the excellent traditional Chinese culture, but also actively integrates into the development of Canada’s diverse culture. Today’s “For the Love of Writing” literature lecture has raised the exploration of literary creation of the club to a new level. It built a platform for the exchange and learning of Chinese immigrants and Canadian born Chinese literature, and promoted the integration of the two sides.

In my 20 years of immigrant life, like many others, I have experienced from confusion such as identity anxiety to an attempt to transcend the opposing perspectives of the East and the West, and to engage in more universal philosophical reflections based on the universal experience of human beings.

As a second-generation immigrant, Wayne has always been connected with Chinese culture and has an international vision. He travels between the two cultures, and through his literary works, he becomes a bridge between the two cultures. This will not only help the mainstream society better understand the Chinese community, but also help the Chinese better integrate into mainstream society.

I believe that Wayne’s lecture today, whether in terms of storytelling skills or from the standpoint of diversity and integration, will bring us unprecedented gains.

Thank you! 
